Exploring expansion options for homeowners with solar installations

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Wm. Brett Burgett, President/Co-CEO, Kokosing, Inc. | https://kokosingsolar.com

For homeowners who have embarked on the solar journey, the initial installation is not the end. As solar technology continues to evolve, so do opportunities for expansion and enhancement of existing systems. Whether driven by a desire to save on utility bills, reduce grid reliance, or contribute to environmental sustainability, going solar represents a significant step towards a resilient future.

If you're satisfied with your current system but desire more, there are several options for expansion. However, before adding additional solar panels, it's crucial to assess whether they are necessary. If you're still paying a substantial amount for electricity and anticipate increased usage in the future, an expansion might be advisable.

Another consideration before expanding is feasibility. Do you have sufficient roof space? Does your service panel have room for additional panels? A trusted installer can help determine if your roof has enough space and if your service panel can accommodate more panels.

As solar technology advances and new products are released, compatibility with your current system may be an issue. Depending on the age of your system, finding matching solar panels and inverters could be challenging. If matching components aren't available, consider creating a separate system with a new inverter.

Upgrading your inverter may seem daunting, but if it's been in operation for over ten years, it likely needs updating soon anyway. While replacing the old inverter, you can expand your current system and opt for a larger inverter system.

If your existing system isn't meeting your electricity needs or performing as expected, it might be time for an upgrade. Replacing older panels with newer ones that can meet growing energy demands more efficiently could be beneficial. Similarly, if you notice rising electricity bills or performance issues with your inverter (such as flickering lights or capacity problems), an upgrade should be considered.

Before adding more panels or upgrading existing ones, check the capacity of your electric panel with your installer to ensure it can handle additional solar capacity.

If you're aiming to increase your energy independence but are unsure about adding more panels or lack the necessary roof space, a battery backup system could be an ideal solution. Solar batteries not only provide power during grid outages but also allow for greater control over energy consumption and the ability to store surplus solar energy for use when the sun isn't shining.

When installing your system, if you knew you wanted a battery backup, your inverter might already be ready for installation. If not, consider a DC-coupled or AC-coupled system. The former requires replacing your current inverter with a hybrid one that works with both a battery and solar system. The latter uses your existing inverter along with an additional one to charge the battery.

In conclusion, embarking on the solar journey doesn't have to end with the initial installation. The dynamic and evolving landscape of solar technology offers ongoing opportunities for homeowners to enhance their sustainability efforts, reduce grid reliance, and maximize their investment's benefits.

Expanding solar capacity can be strategic, especially if energy needs are increasing or further utility cost reductions are desired. However, it's crucial to assess feasibility by consulting trusted installers regarding roof space availability and compatibility with existing infrastructure.

With technological advancements come abundant options - from matching existing components to creating separate systems with newer inverters. Moreover, integrating battery storage presents an exciting opportunity to bolster energy independence and resilience.

Reach out to Kokosing Solar – whether we were your initial installer or not – to learn more about expanding your solar energy system. Expanding your solar setup through additional panels, upgrades, or battery storage is a strategic investment in a sustainable, resilient future.